A toothache, loose, destroyed or missing teeth or tooth-related conditions have been on the rise in recent times, with an increase in the number of patients reporting to dental clinics within Sacramento, CA. This surge in the number of patients with dental-related conditions within Sacramento CA can directly be linked to the lifestyle of the citizens of Sacramento, with sugary meals on top of their daily menus. The Sacramento CA population is also known for its love of sweets and snacks, and avoidance to this food staff is almost impossible. Although the population of Sacramento CA is enlightened on the dangers and risks posed by such meals to their dental health, sweets, and snacks coupled with poor dental hygiene is a major predisposing factor to dental-related conditions.
The problem of missing, loose, damaged or poorly shaped teeth can be addressed by a qualified dental doctor from different fronts. One of the major solutions to solve this ever cropping issue of dental conditions is by the application of dental crowns and fixing of dental bridges. This solution has been in practice for a long period of time, especially within Sacramento, CA, and dentist’s rate is as one of the best solutions to dental-related conditions.
Dental crowns and tooth bridges:
They are prosthetic, artificially designed devices that are fixed deep onto the existing natural teeth or dental implants. They are cemented semi-permanently and can only be fixed or removed by a qualified dentist, unlike other devices such as dentures that can be removed on a daily basis to be cleaned by any person. Dental bridges and crowns are the best solutions to the daily nagging problems related to dental conditions.
Dental Crowns
The major aim of dental crowns is strengthening a loose or damaged tooth or teeth. Dental crowns are cemented in the gum of the tooth, and they fit perfectly within the teeth cavity, making it hard for someone to distinguish the appearance of the dental crown and the natural teeth. Dental crowns are also fitted with dental implants to give them an extra strength and enable them to function like any other normal teeth.
Dental crowns are made up of some metallic alloys, including gold; some come in acrylic or ceramic forms. The alloys give an extra strength to loose or damaged, enabling them to perform maximally.
Dental crowns, specifically those made of ceramic or porcelain, come in colors’ that mimic the color of the natural teeth, making it hard to distinguish between the appearances, giving a person that complete look.
Purpose of dental crowns:
Dental crowns have some benefits to providing solutions especially to persons with loose or damaged tooth or teeth. Their purpose include-
· They provide support to a weak, loose or damaged tooth or teeth, enhancing its functionality and appearance.
· Dental crowns are used by dentist especially when fixing dental bridges, as they are used as a point of attachment.
· They are used to provide cover to dental implants, in the process providing protection to them
· In case of fractured teeth, a dental crown will restore the teeth, giving it the extra strength and enable it to function optimally without the worry of it falling out
· With the ability to mimic the color of natural teeth, dental crowns will give you a completely perfect look.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are part of restoration dentistry to take the place of missing teeth or tooth. This is of the essence because replacing missing teeth assists in maintaining good oral hygiene and prevents the predisposition to periodontal diseases.
Dental bridges cover the gap between missing teeth or tooth, helping to keep teeth in shape and prevent them from moving out of place. The bridge is cemented to the gum of the teeth, fixed to the natural teeth or dental implant. Porcelain or ceramic bridges come in a variety of colors, with the capability of mimicking the color of the natural teeth, enhancing the patients look and appearance.
With the number of highlighted benefits of dental bridges and crowns stated above, it just brings out the importance of these noble devices. They come as a solution to the daily dental conditions encountered by many people across Sacramento, CA. Patients who have had dental bridges or crowns fixed should take some precautions to enable them staying in place for long. Such precaution measures revolve around proper and strict observance of dental hygiene. This prevents further occurrence of dental disease, enabling the devices to stay in place for a longer period.